Game Community
Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Heroz Community
49 Members

Comments (80)

What do you think?

hey have you begun programming on this game?

I w a n t i t n o w

I was thinking about making a pvz fan game but all I have is construct 2 And I can't make a entire plants vs zombies game in construct 2 I will probably get this once its finished

This is really interesting

this looks sick!

good luck on this!

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Heroz is a fanmade PVZ game that will feature things from all the the mainline titles and spinoffs too! It's currently in early development so stay tuned for news! I'm looking for some beta testers too! Also suggest things that you want added too, it will really hope! #fangame #strategy #action

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Here's a bit of the new lawn design!

What do you think?

ย  20 votes Voting finished

Some (kinda) bad news....

(Read article!)


A little update about the game's progress!

Please read the article!

PVZ Garden Heroz Region 1 Worlds:

W1: Neighborhood

W2: Taco Streets

W3: Unpleasant Park

W4: Undead Graveyard


A.K.A the PVZ game that refuses to ever come out despite me constantly working on it.


pea go brrrrrr

Two Peashooter Hybrid
